How to choose a party theme…

Planning a birthday party can feel like a daunting task, but a very good place to start that will influence all your decisions for your party is choosing your theme. Now, when you have children, this may not be a simple notion. For inspiration ask yourself (and your child/ren) the following questions:

  • Favourite colour/s? (pink, blue, green, red, orange, rainbow?)
  • Favourite character? (Superheroes, fairies, horses, Mickey Mouse, Queen Elsa)
  • Favourite past-time (dancing, soccer, golf etc)
  • Indoor or outdoor party?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can take all that info and use it decide upon a party theme.

Eg: Little J loves the colour red, plays soccer and wants an outdoor party… think about a soccer party and incorporate Little J’s favourite team’s colours into your palette.

Still not sure?

Browse through the many themes available in our online store

Happy party planning

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